Membership & other forms

Full & Associate Membership

To apply, please complete this SBC Membership Application Form, scan and send to:

Or call On-site Manager, Dave Connelly, on 0402 846 211 to collect a form from the club.

Temporary Membership

Temporary Membership is for use of the club’s slips facilities only.
To apply, please print and complete these three forms, scan and send to:

Additional Boat or Trailer Application Form

This form is for current members who have a new (or another) boat or trailer they’d like to keep at the club. It is to be completed and lodged prior to arrival.
Send to:

Full Member Slips Forms

Full members may make slips bookings by printing & completing these two forms, then take them to the Slips Master to arrange a suitable time, or lodge with the Secretary by email to:

Committee Nomination Form

To nominate for Committee, complete this Committee Nomination Form and lodge it with the Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM.

Notice of Motion for AGM

To put a motion to the AGM, complete this Notice of Motion Form and lodge it at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.